Visual Artist - Chile.
Black and white photography 35mm.
The 35 mm black and white photographic archive, “Esquina Crítica”, is a work that was created for the publication “Ni Talca, ni París, nilón” by Estudio Simiotika, for the “Freedom of Choice” project by Galeria Metropolitana, Chile and Joerg Bader, Zuric, Switzerland.
The objective of this work is to analyze the corner as a morphological unit of the city of Talca, showing the ruins and catastrophes of neoliberalism in the urban landscape. The images in the publication are tense with the text of the writer Reinaldo Moya “An approach to the effects of neoliberalism in artistic communities linked to the visual arts.”
The narrative that shapes the city is revealed through the particularity of each corner, comparing them and showing how progress lives on abandonment, evidencing social injustice in Chile. In times of social change, this work enhances critical living by questioning the materialization of the discourse of progress.